[www.keralites.net] GOOD BYE 2011


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The New Year 2012is just waiting on the doorsteps, 2 days more from today. Just 2 days away smiling and spreading its wings in the positive direction. As I bid farewell to 2011, I look back to see the gifts this year brought along for me. It has been one year which will remain etched in my heart. I learned many lessons, a year full of letting-go, acceptance, heart-breaks and unparalleled fulfillment, it has been.

This year 2011, has taught me never to lose hope. However, the most wonderful lesson which I re-learnt this year is that nothing is lost. No pain, however insignificant it seems to onlookers, is wasted. No betrayal goes unpunished, and every sincere prayer is answered. It might take many years, perhaps we cant tell, but the deepest desire is always fulfilled, if it is pure and unselfish.

2011, a year in which I have seen miracles happen. Now that 2011 is going away, will the miracles end? They will never end, for miracles are Gods gifts and He is not a miser.Often in life, we feel helpless and overcome by pain and a sense of hopelessness. However, if we can trust God and turn to Him, He is there to help us. These are times when all doors seem closed for us and we do not know how we will survive the pain or difficulty we are going through.

If we open our hearts to God and trusting His power and love, ask Him to help us, help does come. Doors open and problems get solved. What had seemed impossible gradually manifests in our lives. Thus, trusting God makes personal miracles happen.

Trust God as your best friend and as the Almighty. He will be there for you in ways that you had not thought possible before.

Fun & Info @ Keralites.net

In thisnew year, what holds us together? Positive attitude towards each other. Concern and love for each other. Optimism for the future. Yes. Everyday start with prayers and I am sure it will be a good day for you. Because, in this planet, good thoughts are the only powerful medium through which you can give and receive vibrations. Wherever you are and whatever you may be doing, always think positive thoughts. Be kind and generous in your attitude for the lesser privileged. We live in a world where time is precious. Always have time to eat, sleep, work, earn, and spend. Certainly, have time to remember all and dont say, I have no time, because we live in this time.

It is difficult not to believe that the new year will be better than the old one! And this illusion is not wrong. Future is always good, no matter what happens. It will always give us what we need and what we want in secret. It will always bless us with right gifts. Thus in a deeper sense our belief in the New Year cannot deceive us. Let this coming year be better than all the others.

Let us resolve to make it positively enlivening. Let us erase the negative feelings from the corners of our heart. Remember, we always think and feel that we are great. If that is so, let us be honest. Let us do something in a great way to prove that we are really so great. Let us bring solace to someone who is in need. Let us bring the smiles back to the faces from where the destiny has erased it.

Let me wish you a very happy, prosperous, lively, healthy, energetic, enthusiasticnewyearto all of you. Light up the positive thoughts in all of you. Let the world be brighter. Let this planet and all its inhabitants enjoy the brightness of your positive thoughts. My wishes are for you to have a nicenewyear; full of vitality, vigour, and happiness. Let there be more and more good thoughts coming from all directions. Let us enjoy the happiness of the moment. Lets all get together in wishing the world a safer, progressive, peaceful, healthy and prosperous2012.

Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran


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