[www.keralites.net] STRANGE.....?!



The cobra has a hole to rest.....!

The Bird has a nest to rest....................!

Where is the place for the child of man to rest his head? 


One couldn't give a piece of bread to the child above
But this painting was sold for lakhs of rupees 
Is it strange…………?! 
Rs 10 looks so big amount when we have to give that to a poor
But looks so small when giving it as a tip to a HOTEL BOY


Is it so strange...........?!! 

Praying to God for 3 min looks hard
But 3 hrs of movie we watch interestingly


Is it very strange........?!!! 
After whole day of hard work , we have no problem to go to a gym
But doing house work and helping in kitchen looks very tiring!


Is it really strange........?!!!! 
We wait for 1 full year for Valentine's day
But when do mother's day comes we never know


Is it awfully strange........?!!!!! 
To forward this message we will think

but to forward stupid jokes we never think 


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