[www.keralites.net] M.Tech Techie educates his 8 year son at home - Techie now does Organic dairy farming


Techie couple educate son at home

Devaraj B Hirehalli

TUMKUR: This couple a former Wipro engineer and an MTech graduate have put the saying, 'home is the first school,' into practice.

G Shilpa and Shashikumar do not send their eight-year-old son, S Shreyas to school citing that he could learn everything at home.

Shashikumar came out of the technology driven world when he resigned from his job as a team leader at Wipro. He chose to do the things which spurred his spirit and the field of agriculture and farming caught his attention more than anything. Now, he is working on a project on organic dairy farming with help from BAIF, a Tiptur based NGO.

S Shreyas, accompanies his father on his field visits to Tipur. He does not want to go to the school. "I have nothing to learn between the four walls of a school, I get more knowledge and information from my parents," says the boy.

In the midst of their work, both husband and wife make it a priority to give their son proper exposure of the world outside. Shreyas is taught languages even before he is introduced to the letters.

The couple told Express that when formal education is forced upon children they tend to ignore the calls of their spirit and they get molded according to the needs of the world. We do not want the same thing to happen to our son, the father said.

However, he clarified that the boy would be sent to school if he likes to join one. He will take the SSLC board examinations, by the time he reaches the stage of plus two, he will be mature enough to make choices on his own, Shashikumar added.

The couple is inspired by Vedaguru Sudhakara Shastry of Bangalore who practiced home schooling successfully. Of his two sons, one is a Sanskrit scholar and another an engineer.

When contacted, DDPI Mohankumar said that formal education was compulsory for any child between the age group of six and fourteen years as it was his/her fundamental right.

But, in this special case, wherever the boy chooses to study, he must learn all the skills provided in a school, he added.

Shreyas dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer and his parents are set to provide for him.




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