[www.keralites.net] yes we need God


Dear Friends,
refer to the below mail, I do not understand why some people are going very very deep in holy books and making arguments?  Why do you Gentlemen, use your valuable time and knowledge to work/think more for your family or for your fellow human beings or to do some kind of sevas rather than putting stones on other religion or its books?
My simple point is that,  all religion is basically evolved for the purpose of making better society. Please note Relgion is only a guidance.  No country in the world became rich because of religion. There should be a working, civilized, educated society. We have seen the religious based coutries are facing too much of internal conflicts with in their religion.
I , personally believe in God, but not in religion. In my life I do work and almighty gives the reward .
Please come on guys, work/think for betterment for your family life or your society  and please keep it aside the religion.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Prasad N <prasad_n83@yahoo.co.in>
To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Do you need God?
The mail I send was a reply for a mail Sub: Do you need God? Some people misunderstood from the subject itself that I don't believe in god. No I do believe in god. Any way most people who replied to my mail say that the quotes I mentioned are from Old Testament and you need to read New Testament. The New Testament reveal about the Love of God to Man. From these statements I come to know that the Old Testament is not even acceptable by Christians. But unfortunately Old Testament tells us about the Creator, the God, and the father - Yahweh.
 Even a most uncultured man will not say these types of words. Look at these words.
Behold, I am against you, "says Yahweh of Armies, "and I will lift your skirts over your face. I will show the nations your nakedness, and the kingdoms your shame. I will throw abominable filth on you, and make you vile, and will set you a spectacle (Nahum 03 – 05)
This is what Yahweh says: Behold, I will raise up evil against you out of your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your neighbour, and he will lie with your wives in the sight of this sun. For you did it secretly, but I will do thisthing before all Israel, and before the sun. (2 Samuel - 12 -11)
It appears that the authors of the Bible were savages who had not the least idea of the true God. From these statements itself it is clear that the main intention behind the person who wrote bible was to create fear in the mind of people and embrace Christianity without questioning.
One person comment was "Old Testament law is Eye for Eye and Blood for Blood. So God punished the people when they disobey the law and bless the people who obeyed him".
I need to say that person - from that behavior itself you should understand that the god mentioned in Bible is not the Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. And the law mentioned here is considering Yahweh as god and bow to him. It appears that the authors of the Bible were savages who had not the least idea of the true God.
Another Person says "God the Father so loved the people so that He has given His Begotten Son to us, by His Blood (His Sacrifice) we are set free from Sins, for those who believe in Him. That is God's Justice or righteousness. Prasad, think about this do you sacrifice your son for your enemy?"
My reply for this person is - Sin cannot be transferred. If your hunger and thirst can be transferred to others then your sin may also be transferred. Jesus who could not save himself from the CROSS and the god who could not protect his own son is going to protect the sinners!. The greatest superstition in the world is thinking that god will become angry, god will punish , god  curses, god gets  pleased and gives me everything, god  will give me whatever I ask, god will take my sin……….. etc.  Here we attribute the human bad qualities to god and then start bribing god like we do for human beings.
Some person commented as follows:-
1)Last but least, Bible says Our God is Heavenly Father, ONLY children can address in this way. For every one God is God, for Christians God is Heavenly Father. That is the" Uniqueness and Right" of True Christians through Our Lord Jesus Christ. HIS name be Glorified. He is King of King and God of god. He is the answer to all questions in this world and Eternity. HE IS COMING SOON AS THE JUDGE AND THE KING.
2) At the end man is responsible for his DEEDS. That is called Final Judgment either to Hell or Heaven. Before going to Hell, everyone has to say that Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee shall bow in front the King of King.
For these comments I need to say them that Shouting and screaming that Jesus will come and save you! This is day light cheating and fooling the audiences by those who know he never come. This is a pure business perhaps white collar religious business. You know Jesus is afraid of only one section of people that is Christians. As Bernard Shaw said there was only one Christian   and that man was crucified and killed. As in the second comment every man is responsible for his deeds. Yes for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This opposite reaction you will get in your life span.
Another person says "MR. PRASAD IF YOU WANT TO BELIEVE, BELIEVE.....as simple as that....EVEN THE HAIRS ON YOUR HEAD ARE COUNTED....now don't ask me how much is that & even if u ask, there is no wonder because your understanding level is only that much....Mr. Prasad, everything is planned, not by me, by MY LORD by EVERYBODY's LORD....let ur time come & even you will change, even u will understand....."
I need to say that friend – I too know that the god knows everything. But I don't want to believe the rude and cruel statements of bible which you think that the explanation of God. According to me god is not as mentioned in bible who do cruel terrorist activities against the people who don't believe him.
My concept of god is that god is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent. God is like electricity which is not light / heat / magnetism / chemical energy / kinetic energy / potential energy…………  When electricity passes through respective instruments these instruments demonstrates their inherent qualities. So the awareness and consciousness present in all living and non living beings are the omnipotent omnipresent divine power which never has any of the above qualification, but that divine power is beyond all those qualities.
One Person say "I know one another Mr. Prasad who initially began as a hardened critic of the christianity but his deep study of the Holy Bible  for that purpose ultimately led him to become a close follower and preacher of the christianity.  Further, I learnt about another hardcore persecutor of the christianity and his own account as to how he  subsequently became a   true disciple of the Christ from the Holy Bible itself.  His name was Savul."
My reply is that these two people whom you mentioned may not get a chance to read and understand at least one of the 1280 Indian religious books.
Some people say "You know only Old Testament - What you quote is from Old Testament can you please show such a statement from New Testament".
For them I need to say that I can show more and more statements with explanations to each quote but my intention is not to denigrate Christianity. I send this mail after learning the bible thoroughly. My Intention was not to injure the feelings of others or do them harm or bring false charges against them but to eradicate error. Those who have eyes let them see, think and analyze. People should understand the wrong and rude statements in bible which some missionaries are used for conversion by cheating and creating fear in the mind of poor illiterate and uneducated people.
I am not concluding that Bible only have bad statements. There is good and bad. Everybody should think & analyze each and every statement scientifically, rationally and logically instead of believing it blindly and take and incorporate in your life whatever you found good and in the same way reject the bad. Some people share their view in a very positive way and advice me to go only through good statements from bible. But most of the people try to justify the bad statements which they them self know it is wrong. This is why most of the people commented "you don't know about bible so you don't want to comment or you go and comment on your religious book or if I start saying about your religious books you will cry or you misquoted from bible etc".
For them I need to say that I am not a publisher of any particular religion or any particular religious book. If you believe in a religion which is based on some books or vice versa it does not mean that those books are your private property. All the religious books can be used for any person in the world if you found anything good in it. Religion and religious books are to make people good. And i request those friends (who says I misquote) to clarify point by point, statement by statement if you found that I misquoted any statements from bible. Let myself and the readers know the truth if any.
Please don't consider the reply as arguing and convincing beyond a level instead consider it as learning and teaching.
Have a Great Day
Thanks & Regards
From: JOSE A A <jose101052@yahoo.co.in>
To: "Keralites@yahoogroups.com" <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, 26 November 2011 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Do you need God?
Dear Mr.Prasad,
If you are unable to understand some else religion, the better way  is  to be earnest  enough to learn from someone who is having proper knowledge of that  religion.  It is foolish to think that by a mere glance through  or reading over  any religious book, one would have mastery over the same to pass judgements on them.  If that was so, then most of us would have easily   been spiritual leaders like Sanyasins, Mahants,Pujaris, Moulavis, Priests, Pastors,ets.,   Your quotes from the Holy Bible reminds me of a saying that  "even devil would quote from the Word of God  to suit his devious ways".  Astonishingly, it appears that  you could get only the Old Testament  and perhaps in your hurry to pass  nasty comments, you missed the New Testament altogether. 
Dear friend, while I am happy that you have taken the  trouble atleast to have a cursory reading over some portions of the Holy Bible, I humbly suggest you to kindly take further interest to have a deep study of the entire  Holy Bible and after having a thorough understanding  of the Word of God, you may choose to have your own conclusions on the same rather than passing such premature comments on the basis of partial reading from some part of the Holy Book. By the way, I know one another Mr. Prasad who initially began as a hardened critic of the christianity but his deep study of the Holy Bible  for that purpose ultimately led him to become a close follower and preacher of the christianity.  Further, I learnt about another hardcore persecutor of the christianity and his own account as to how he  subsequently became a   true disciple of the Christ from the Holy Bible itself.  His name was Savul.  Perhaps, it woud be of interest to you also to read his real account from "Acts of the Apostles" Chapters 8 & 9 of the New Testament in the Holy Bible.  I pray to the Lord Jesus to bless you to understand the Word of God in the proper perspective.  However, if you need any further help in this regard, kindly let me know.
Dear Mr.John Cherian,   I feel that you should not have been so angry over the ignorance expressed by someone else.  As you may be aware, christianity had grown and prospered  against and through adversities only.  Therefore, one should be grateful to the Lord Jesus  for repeat of history.
Best wishes,
From: John cherian <john_cherian15@yahoo.com>
To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, 26 November 2011 2:52 AM
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Do you need God?
Do you need God?

Few quotes from Old Testament of Bible which is the story of Israelites who are selected by the Supreme Power to set an example to all Human beings. Old testament speaks about the holy and unholy things happened in relation to Isralites and gentiles around them. But Jesus Christ came to this world for the redemption of all people from their SINS , the people ever lived and going to live in this world till the Kingdom of God is established in this earth. The New Testament reveal about the Love of God to Man. God the Father so loved the people so that He has given His Begotten Son to us, by His Blood ( His Sacrifice) we are set free from Sins, for those who believe in Him. That is Gods Justice or righteousness. Think about this do you sacrifice your son for your enemy? How you call this Loving Father, a terrorist. One thing keep in your mind, we are just a creature, He is the Creator of this whole universe. We will be judged according our deeds and words. You have the choice to Believe or not, you have no choice to insult any bodys belief. Why you cannot understand spirituality, only because you are spiritually deaf, blind and dumb. So do not blame something if you do not understand. You can never see the Sun with a powerful torch, unless and until it shines by itself. Since you have BIBLE with you, read the following from Old testament itself, you will realize why you do not understand word of God.
For people like you, you have no right to take His Word in your mouth. What God will do such people ? God who revealed Himself in the Bible is a Holy, Lovable and Righteous God. So He will not compromise on SINS, He is righteous God, hence He has to judge and punish and He is Lovable God and So He give all Men the Grace of Salvation who believe in His Son. Ask the Living God (whoever He is) to reveal the TRUTH to you and The TRUTH shall set you free from the Bondages of ignorance and Sin. Last but least, Bible says Our God is Heavenly Father, ONLY children can address in this way. For every one God is God, for Christians God is Heavenly Father. That is the Uniqueness and Right of True Christians through Our Lord Jesus Christ. HIS name be Glorified. He is King of King and God of god. He is the answer to all questions in this world and Eternity. HE IS COMING SOON AS THE JUDGE AND THE KING. johnmcherian@indiatimes.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prasad N <prasad_n83@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 7:11 PM
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Re: Do you need God?
To: Keralites <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>

GOD SAID For this time I will ascend all my plagues on you and your servant and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like me in the earth (Exodus 9- 14) The God said: And all the first born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first born of the pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the first born of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; all the first born of the cattle as well. ( Exodus 11-5 ) God said: you shall not worship them or serve them; for I , the lord your god, am a jealous god, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate me (Exodus 20 5) If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand he shall be punished. If, however, he (slave) survives a day or two, no vengeance shall be taken, for he is his property (Exodus 21-20,21) You shall not worship their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their deeds; but you shall utterly overthrow them, and break their sacred pillars in pieces. But if you shall serve the lord your god and he will bless your bread and your water; and I will remove sickness from your midst (exodus 23 -24,25) While the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of the lord was kindled against the people, and the lord struck the people with a very severe plague (Numbers 11-33) And the lord said to Moses, how long will this people spurn me? And how long will they not believe in me despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst ? I will smite them with pestilence and disposes them ( Number 14 11,12) The people who arearound you, near you or far from you, from one end of the earth to the other end. You shall not yield to him or listen to him and your eyes shall not pity him, nor shall you spare or conceal him. But you shall surely kill him your hand shall be first against him to put him to death and afterwards the hand of all the people. So you shall stone him to death because he has sought to seduce you from the lord your god who brought you out from the land if Egypt ( Deuteronomy 13 -7-9) THE GOD SAID (in bible), behold, I will rise up evil against you from your own household; I will even take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your companion, and he shall lie with your wives in broad daylight. Indeed you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel and under the sun ((2 Samuel 12- 11,12) Thus says the lord, in the place where the dogs licked up the blood of Naboth the dogs shall lick up your blood, even yours (1 kings 21 -19- Bible) Then it happened the angel of the lord went out and struck 1, 85,000 in the camp of Assyrians and when men rose early in the morning, behold all of them are dead ( 2 kings 19 - 35)

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