[www.keralites.net] Ashtanga Yoga


In the Ashtanga Yoga part of the Pathanjali Maharshi's book, the ten commandments (dasopadesa) are given in two sets of five each as the primary requirement for learning and teaching yoga . First set is known as Yamaas and second set is Niyamaas. The Yamaas are 1. ahimsa, 2. satyam, 3. aastheyam, 4. bhramacharyam and 5. apraigraham. The Niyamaas are 6. soucham, 7. santhosha, 8. thapa: 9. swaadhyaaya, 10. eeswara pranidhaanam. Given below is the meaning/message.
Ahimsa: One should not create pain by words or deeds to others. Ahimsa never prevents protecting ourselves, our family, our society, our culture and our country using force or even the use of weapons. Cowardice can never be justified or interpreted as ahimsa.
Satyam: Searching for and understanding the truth, fact and essence. There are two types of truths andfacts. Paaramaarthika satyam (ultimate truth) and vyaavahaarika satyam (relative truth). One should understand both these truths and appropriately use them.
Aastheyam: Stealing is stheyam and non stealing is aastheyam. Taking or grabbing anything/name /fame/ position /money/ material/ is stealing. One should never do that.
Brahmacharyam: Knowing the ultimate aim and meaning of living/ life is brahmacharya. Every one is expected to understand clearly the goal of his/her life and path way to achieve the same. They are expected to understand and follow the pathway through experiment or experience and reach the ultimate goal envisaged by self or by prakruti.
Aparigraham: Depending for support on others for anything and everything is parigraham and not doing so is the dharmic way of living, which is aparigraham . Depend upon ourselves and do not be a beggar. In short self reliance and self support.
Soucham: Cleanliness of body and mind. A clean mind ( mana suddhi) and a clean body (sareera suddhi) are the prime requirement for achieving any goal in the life and also for keeping negatives from life. Whatever is to be done for maintaining the purity of mind and body it is to be practiced till it is that level is attained.
Santhosha: Always living happily and with self contentment. Undertaking the mission happily, doing the work peacefully and with the spirit of enjoyment is the santhosha. We have to learn how to become happy. There are opportunities for that in life (every minute) We have to teach that to our children also ( how to enjoy the life positively).
Thapa: Doing the work and undertaking the missions in our life with dedication and a feeling of sacrifice is thapas.
Swaadhyaaya: Acquiring knowledge on every branch in which we have to involve in our life. Apply that knowledge in our official and personal life. We should also learn the sadaachaaraas and the values in our life. Keep away the duraachaaraas and anaachaaraas using the light science which is swaadhyaaya.
Eeswara pranidhaanam: Doing our dharma ( duty+ responsibility + privilege = dharma) keeping in mind the blessings guiding force behind everyone in a saaskshi bhaava. That guiding force may be called eeswara/ god/almighty/omnipotent omnipresent power or simply Nature. That power is to be approached with bhakti and not with bhaya /fear.

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